The Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils from the Leaf, Stem-Bark and Twig of Terminalia mantaly H. Perrier (Combretaceae) from Nigeria
The essential oils from the leaf, stem-bark and twig of Terminalia mantaly were isolated by hydrodistillation. The volatile oils analysed on Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometer (GC - MS). The identified constituents were twelve, twenty-three and seventeen for the leaf, stem-bark and twig and accounted for 89.57%, 95.77%, 95.92% respectively. Hexahydrofarnesylacetone (30.05%) and Z-pinane (16.71%) were the main constituents in the leaf oil and nonanal (21.16%) and heptanal (10.57%) were principal component in the stem-bark volatile oil. Xylene isomers namely, meta and para (21.98%-23.56%) were the major components of the twig with substantial amount of nonanal (13.64%).
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